Once the item is delivered to the seller and inspection is done, your refund should be processed within 2 business days. If not, you should manually add tracking details to the return. If you're using your own return label, the seller may have added the number for you. If you use an our return label, tracking details are automatically uploaded. When you send your item back make sure a tracking number is added to your return request to avoid delays or issues in the refund process. Who covers the shipping costs depends on why you're returning it. When your return request is accepted, you’ll receive a return shipping label from either the seller, or you’ll be asked to purchase one directly from a carrier. If your shipment does not arrive when anticipated, you can track your order on the order tracking page. If a package arrives damaged, please contact us with images of the items and hold onto the merchandise and all packing materials until advised otherwise by the shipment company. What do I do if my package was lost or damaged?

We accept all major credit cards, Paypal and Amazon.ĩ. There will be a 20% restocking fee applicable. If the items are not defective, or you simply didn't like them, you will have to pay for the return shipping. If the item is not defective and I want to return it, is it possible? We pay for return shipping for items not working or defective.ħ. Who pays for shipping if the item is defective or not working? Returns will be accepted within 10 days of receiving the product, unless the item is AS-IS/PARTS which has no returns allowed.Ħ. We do not force customers to open an account to purchase any item, however, if you create an account it's easier for you to manage details and orders. Please login to your account and click on track my order. We have other delivery options which are paid and are faster. For International Orders we use DHL, USPS International, UPS International Expedited.Ģ. How Long Will it Take To Get My Package? For domestic orders we use USPS First Class or Priority.